Joining The Community
There are four councils and more than 60 organizations at Washington State University. The Recruitment process begins each year on June 1 for the new academic year. Details about how to join are shared during your WSU orientation.
Standing Out
There certainly are differences in every organization’s recruitment process, here are some common items that will help any prospective member stand out:
Do research
The community at Washington State University is large and each of our organizations are privately owned and unique in their own way. Do your research to find the right one for you.
Prioritize your academics
All of the organizations at WSU greatly value academics and are looking for members who share that value. Be sure that you have a GPA that you can be proud of.
Be ready to grow
At Washington State University, fraternities and sororities provide countless leadership development and personal growth opportunities. Think about who you are now, and who you want to be at the end of your college experience. Look for an organization that will help you achieve that growth.
Get to know the community
Fraternities and Sororities at Washington State University are part of something bigger, take the opportunity to learn more about not only the organization, but also look at the governing council, national organization, and how they interact with the Pullman community.
Fraternity and sorority chapter facilities are not owned, operated, nor managed by Washington State University. Each chapter facility and Greek letter organization is controlled by its respective national organization, local chapter and/or housing corporation. Students and families should familiarize themselves with the policies and culture of each organization prior to joining.