Student Resources
Program Options
The CCE offers several types of community engagement options to meet your needs as a student.
Track Your Engagement
Pullman students can track their time spent engaging with the community while at WSU.
Find a Community Partner
Browse community partner organizations with our interactive map. Can't find a specific organization? Fill out our New Community Partner Request Form.
Cougar Food Pantry
The Cougar Food Pantry is a fully stocked pantry that provides free food and basic needs items to Pullman students experiencing food insecurity.
Phone: 509-335-0046

Global Campus Students
We are thrilled to be working with you. Civic engagement is a great way for Global Campus students to gain hands-on experience while helping improve their own communities. Learn more about community engagement as a Global Student.
Greek Students
Washington State University's Multicultural Greek Council, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association have partnered with the CCE to offer, and keep records of, meaningful, rewarding civic engagement to Greek students. Greek Cougs are making a huge difference in our community and we're proud to support their efforts to make the world a better place!
If your fraternity or sorority would like to have a service project developed for your group, please contact our team.

Graduate Students
Graduate students may take part in community engagement inside or outside of the classroom, with or without faculty and staff, and individually or in groups. CCE can support your efforts by connecting you with community partners locally and globally that have missions that align with your interests.
To view one-time community engagement opportunities or research opportunities, visit the Community Grounded Graduates Students Group on GivePulse. This program can help you navigate partnerships and design projects that result in greater knowledge and benefit both the university and the community.