Two students working with a community partner and playing bingo

Why partner with the CCE?

Your organization can play a key role in providing meaningful opportunities for students and the community at large.  By partnering with the CCE you will gain:

  • Broader access to WSU student volunteers
  • Greater access to professional development, leadership opportunities, and faculty research
  • Becoming a co-educator and helping enhance the student experience.

Complete our New Community Partner Request form to initiate our onboarding process. In turn, we hope that you will see positive impacts on your programs and services.

Recruit Student Volunteers with GivePulse

Learn how to use our online community engagement management tool Givepulse, to recruit WSU students to participate in your community organization or program.

Best Practices for Managing Students

Learn about a set of guiding principles and best practices to create a meaningful student experience. 

Connecting Classrooms to Communities

Learn about how the CCE uses three types of service-learning to connect WSU faculty and students to communities.

WSU Community Partner Engagement Surveys

The CCE regularly requests surveys from the Division of Governmental Students and Services to help us better understand perceptions of working with WSU volunteers in community engagement.